Good morning/afternoon/evening depending on where you are. I am currently in Istanbul waiting for my next flight. Seeing as I have another 3/4 hours in the airport, I thought I'd check in with you guys. I know up until now I haven't really been public in regards to the location I am travelling to but I thought - enough suspense - I should finally share the secret I am going back to Iran for a semester. I know that it was probably not what you thought I was going to say.
Although my university course has absolutely nothing to do with fashion, but that doesn't mean that fashion articles will not be posted throughout my time abroad. This simply means that I will have a variety of topics to discuss with you guys.
I am excited for the projects I am currently working on and they will take place once I arrive in Tehran. I am also looking forward to writing about the difference between fashion in London and Tehran. I understand that this might sound odd but believe me, it is something I have picked up on from going back and forth during the past seven years. These future articles will not only be looking at the differences in trends but the meaning of fashion to the people of the two cities and how they choose the present themselves. I hope you enjoy these articles and I can't wait to share them with you...
During my time abroad I also hope to travel within the Middle Eastern region to places such as Dubai and Istanbul (this time I'll be leaving the airport). But enough talk about travelling, I am currently so tired and jet-lagged it is unreal. I have hardly slept in the past few days, but not too worry, I have kept my word and stuck to my 'How to: travel in style' tips from my previous post. I've already had my green tea and I am wearing comfortable clothes. At this point, I just cannot wait to arrive at my childhood home and be greeted with lots of delicious foods. Don't worry you'll probably see the photos on the blog and Instagram soon.
Can't wait to get up to date on what the fashionistas in Tehran are wearing. They've always been one step ahead of London, Paris and Rome put together. Surprise, Surprise!! Have a lovely trip.